
Borussia Dortmund Net Worth & Earnings

Borussia Dortmund Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

The Sports channel Borussia Dortmund has attracted 1.17 million subscribers on YouTube. Borussia Dortmund started in 2006.

So, you may be wondering: What is Borussia Dortmund's net worth? Or you could be asking: how much does Borussia Dortmund earn? No one beyond Borussia Dortmund actually knows, however let's walk through what we know.

Table of Contents

  1. Borussia Dortmund net worth
  2. Borussia Dortmund earnings

What is Borussia Dortmund's net worth?

Borussia Dortmund has an estimated net worth of about $737.55 thousand.

Borussia Dortmund's finalized net worth is not publicly available, but our website Net Worth Spot predicts it to be near $737.55 thousand.

Our estimate only uses one income stream however. Borussia Dortmund's net worth may truly be higher than $737.55 thousand. When we consider many sources of revenue, Borussia Dortmund's net worth could be as high as $1.03 million.

Partnership with Borussia Dortmund

One of the exciting ventures that the famous YouTuber has embarked on is a partnership with Borussia Dortmund, one of the most renowned football clubs in the world. This collaboration involves a two-year deal with Australia's Wynnum Wolves Football Club, where the YouTuber serves as their Official Youth Development Partner.

Establishing Youth Development and Coaching Programs

As part of this partnership, the YouTuber is actively involved in establishing youth development and coaching programs for the Wynnum Wolves Football Club. These programs aim to nurture young talent and provide them with the necessary skills and guidance to excel in the sport.

Exchange Student Opportunities for Football Camps in Germany

In addition to the youth development programs, the partnership also offers exciting exchange student opportunities for football camps in Germany. This allows talented young players from Australia to experience the world-class training facilities and coaching methods of Borussia Dortmund, further enhancing their skills and knowledge of the game.

Assistance in Rebuilding Efforts

Furthermore, the YouTuber's partnership with Borussia Dortmund extends beyond football development. Wynnum Wolves Football Club faced a devastating setback when their facilities were severely damaged by floods in 2022. To aid in the rebuilding efforts, the YouTuber's partner, Wilo, along with the Australian government, is providing assistance to restore the club's facilities and ensure they can continue their operations.

Through this partnership, the YouTuber is not only making a positive impact on the development of young footballers but also contributing to the community by supporting the rebuilding efforts of the Wynnum Wolves Football Club.

How much does Borussia Dortmund earn?

Borussia Dortmund earns an estimated $184.39 thousand a year.

Borussia Dortmund fans often ask the same question: How much does Borussia Dortmund earn?

The YouTube channel Borussia Dortmund gets more than 3.07 million views each month.

Monetized channels generate income by showing ads for every thousand video views. Monetized YouTube channels may earn $3 to $7 per every one thousand video views. If Borussia Dortmund is within this range, Net Worth Spot estimates that Borussia Dortmund earns $12.29 thousand a month, totalling $184.39 thousand a year.

$184.39 thousand a year may be a low estimate though. Optimistically, Borussia Dortmund could possibly make over $331.9 thousand a year.

Borussia Dortmund likely has additional revenue sources. Influencers may promote their own products, accept sponsorships, or earn money with affiliate commissions.

What could Borussia Dortmund buy with $737.55 thousand?What could Borussia Dortmund buy with $737.55 thousand?


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