Howto & Style

How old is Craftingeek*?

Craftingeek* Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Craftingeek* is a prominent YouTuber recognized for making Howto & Style posts. Born in 1990, Craftingeek* is 34 years old as of this post.

So, let's answer at the question you are wondering. How old is Craftingeek*? Born in the year 1990, Craftingeek* is 34 years old as of this post.

When is Craftingeek*'s birthday?

Craftingeek*'s date of birth is August 25th, 1990. That means Craftingeek* is 34 years.

What is Craftingeek*'s astrological sign?

Craftingeek* was born on August 25th, 1990. That means Craftingeek*'s sign is a Virgin, according to the zodiac. That's because Craftingeek*'s date of birth was between the dates of Virgin on the zodiac, between 08-24 until 09-22.

How much does Craftingeek* make?


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