
Historia w 5 minut Net Worth & Earnings

Historia w 5 minut Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Historia w 5 minut is a well-known YouTube channel covering Education and has attracted 155 thousand subscribers on the platform. The channel launched in 2014 and is based in Poland.

There’s one question everybody wants answered: How does Historia w 5 minut earn money? No one beyond Historia w 5 minut really knows, however let's go through what we know.

Table of Contents

  1. Historia w 5 minut net worth
  2. Historia w 5 minut earnings

What is Historia w 5 minut's net worth?

Historia w 5 minut has an estimated net worth of about $216.55 thousand.

Although Historia w 5 minut's exact net worth is unverified, our website relies on data to make a forecast of $216.55 thousand.

Our estimate only uses one income stream though. Historia w 5 minut's net worth may possibly be higher than $216.55 thousand. In fact, when thinking through more income sources for a YouTube channel, some predictions place Historia w 5 minut's net worth close to $303.17 thousand.

How much does Historia w 5 minut earn?

Historia w 5 minut earns an estimated $54.14 thousand a year.

Historia w 5 minut fans often ask the same question: How much does Historia w 5 minut earn?

When we look at the past 30 days, Historia w 5 minut's channel receives 902.28 thousand views each month and more than 30.08 thousand views each day.

Monetized channels earn income by serving video ads for every thousand video views. YouTube channels may earn anywhere between $3 to $7 per one thousand video views. If Historia w 5 minut is within this range, Net Worth Spot estimates that Historia w 5 minut earns $3.61 thousand a month, totalling $54.14 thousand a year.

Our estimate may be low though. On the higher end, Historia w 5 minut could possibly make close to $97.45 thousand a year.

YouTubers rarely have one source of income too. Additional revenue sources like sponsorships, affiliate commissions, product sales and speaking gigs may generate much more revenue than ads.

What could Historia w 5 minut buy with $216.55 thousand?What could Historia w 5 minut buy with $216.55 thousand?


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