
How old is KSI?

KSI Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

KSI is known for being one of the most popular Entertainment YouTube influencers on YouTube. Born in the year 1993, KSI is 31 years old today.

You could be thinking: how old is KSI? KSI was born in 1993, which makes him 31 years old today.

When is KSI's birthday?

KSI's actual birthday is June 19th, 1993. That means KSI is 31 years.

What is KSI's astrological sign?

KSI was born on June 19th, 1993. That shows that KSI's sign is a Gemini, according to the astrology calendar. That's because KSI's date of birth happened between the dates of Gemini on the astrology calendar, between 05-22 through 06-21.

What is KSI's net worth?


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