
Leak bunga Net Worth & Earnings

Leak bunga Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Leak bunga is a popular Music channel on YouTube. It has attracted 1.22 million subscribers. The YouTube channel Leak bunga was founded in 2013 and is located in Indonesia.

One common question we hear is: What is Leak bunga's net worth or how much does Leak bunga earn? Not many have a proper idea of Leak bunga's realistic net worth, but some have made some predictions.

Table of Contents

  1. Leak bunga net worth
  2. Leak bunga earnings

What is Leak bunga's net worth?

Leak bunga has an estimated net worth of about $152.53 thousand.

Leak bunga's exact net worth is still being verified, but Net Worth Spot suspects it to be near $152.53 thousand.

However, some people have hypothesized that Leak bunga's net worth might possibly be more than that. In fact, when considering more sources of income for a YouTube channel, some sources place Leak bunga's net worth close to $213.54 thousand.

How much does Leak bunga earn?

Leak bunga earns an estimated $38.13 thousand a year.

There’s one question that every Leak bunga fan out there just can’t seem to get their head around: How much does Leak bunga earn?

Each month, Leak bunga' YouTube channel gets more than 635.52 thousand views a month and more than 21.18 thousand views each day.

Monetized channels collect revenue by displaying video ads for every thousand video views. Monetized YouTube channels may earn $3 to $7 per every one thousand video views. If Leak bunga is within this range, Net Worth Spot estimates that Leak bunga earns $2.54 thousand a month, totalling $38.13 thousand a year.

Some YouTube channels earn even more than $7 per thousand video views. If Leak bunga makes on the top end, ad revenue could bring in as much as $68.64 thousand a year.

YouTubers rarely have one source of income too. Additional revenue sources like sponsorships, affiliate commissions, product sales and speaking gigs may generate much more revenue than ads.

What could Leak bunga buy with $152.53 thousand?What could Leak bunga buy with $152.53 thousand?


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