How old is Dwayne Johnson?

Dwayne Johnson Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Dwayne Johnson is known as being among the top social media creators on YouTube. Dwayne Johnson was born in the year 1972, making him 53 years old as of this post.

Let's talk a look at the question you're probably asking. How old is Dwayne Johnson? Dwayne Johnson was born in 1972, which makes him 53 years old today.

When is Dwayne Johnson's birthday?

Dwayne Johnson's date of birth is May 2nd, 1972. That means Dwayne Johnson is 53 years.

What is Dwayne Johnson's astrological sign?

Dwayne Johnson's birthday is on May 2nd, 1972.According to the zodiac calendar, Dwayne Johnson would be a Taurus. That's because Dwayne Johnson's birthday occurred within the dates of Taurus on the zodiac, from 04-21 through 05-20.

How much does Dwayne Johnson make?


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