News & Politics

Janusz Jaskółka Net Worth & Earnings

Janusz Jaskółka Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

With 21.9 thousand subscribers, Janusz Jaskółka is one of the most-viewed creators on YouTube. Janusz Jaskółka started in 2012 and is located in Poland.

One common question we hear is: What is Janusz Jaskółka's net worth or how much does Janusz Jaskółka earn? We can never be certain of the actual amount, but here is our close prediction.

Table of Contents

  1. Janusz Jaskółka net worth
  2. Janusz Jaskółka earnings

What is Janusz Jaskółka's net worth?

Janusz Jaskółka has an estimated net worth of about $199.23 thousand.

Although Janusz Jaskółka's actual net worth is publicly available, uses YouTube data to make a prediction of $199.23 thousand.

The $199.23 thousand forecast is only based on YouTube advertising revenue. Meaning, Janusz Jaskółka's net worth may possibly be much higher. Considering these additional sources of income, Janusz Jaskółka may be worth closer to $278.93 thousand.

How much does Janusz Jaskółka earn?

Janusz Jaskółka earns an estimated $49.81 thousand a year.

Many fans question how much does Janusz Jaskółka earn?

On average, Janusz Jaskółka's YouTube channel attracts 830.13 thousand views a month, and around 27.67 thousand views a day.

Monetized channels generate revenue by displaying video ads for every thousand video views. On average, YouTube channels earn between $3 to $7 for every one thousand video views. With this data, we predict the Janusz Jaskółka YouTube channel generates $3.32 thousand in ad revenue a month and $49.81 thousand a year.

Our estimate may be low though. If Janusz Jaskółka makes on the top end, ad revenue could generate more than $89.65 thousand a year.

Janusz Jaskółka likely has additional revenue sources. Successful YouTubers also have sponsors, and they could earn more by promoting their own products. Plus, they could book speaking gigs.

What could Janusz Jaskółka buy with $199.23 thousand?What could Janusz Jaskółka buy with $199.23 thousand?


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