Makina is a popular YouTube channel, boasting 769 thousand subscribers. Makina started in 2011 and is located in Spain.
So, you may be wondering: What is Makina's net worth? Or you could be asking: how much does Makina earn? No one beyond Makina actually knows, that said, let's walk through what we know.
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Makina's exact net worth is unknown, but places it to be near $970.56 thousand.
However, some people have suggested that Makina's net worth might truly be higher than that. In fact, when considering separate sources of income for a YouTuber, some estimates place Makina's net worth closer to $1.36 million.
Many fans question how much does Makina earn?
The Makina YouTube channel receives about 134.8 thousand views every day.
YouTube channels that are monetized earn revenue by serving. Monetized YouTube channels may earn $3 to $7 per every one thousand video views. With this data, we predict the Makina YouTube channel generates $16.18 thousand in ad revenue a month and $242.64 thousand a year.
Our estimate may be low though. If Makina makes on the top end, video ads could generate as much as $436.75 thousand a year.
Makina likely has additional revenue sources. Successful YouTubers also have sponsors, and they could increase revenues by promoting their own products. Plus, they could secure speaking presentations.
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