People & Blogs

How old is Troye Sivan?

Troye Sivan Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Troye Sivan is a prominent YouTube influencer recognized for creating People & Blogs content. Born in the year 1995, Troye Sivan is 29 years old as of today.

Fans typically wonder: how old is Troye Sivan? Born in the year 1995, Troye Sivan is 29 years old as of this post.

When is Troye Sivan's birthday?

Troye Sivan's actual birthday is June 5th, 1995. That date makes Troye Sivan 29 years old as of today.

What is Troye Sivan's astrological sign?

Troye Sivan's birthday falls on June 5th, 1995. When we compare Troye Sivan's birthday to the astrology calendar, that makes Troye Sivan a Gemini. That's because Troye Sivan's date of birth was between the dates of Gemini on the zodiac, between 05-22 until 06-21.

What's Troye Sivan's net worth.


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