Howto & Style

How old is Άκης Πετρετζίκης?

Άκης Πετρετζίκης Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Άκης Πετρετζίκης is a prominent social media influencer widely known for uploading Howto & Style content. Born in the year 1984 and residing in Greece, Άκης Πετρετζίκης is 41 years old as of this post.

Let's talk a look at the question you could be wondering. How old is Άκης Πετρετζίκης? Born in the year 1984 and residing in Greece, Άκης Πετρετζίκης is 41 years old as of this post.

When is Άκης Πετρετζίκης's birthday?

Άκης Πετρετζίκης's birthday is March 4th, 1984. That date makes Άκης Πετρετζίκης 41 years old today.

What is Άκης Πετρετζίκης's astrological sign?

Άκης Πετρετζίκης's birthday falls on March 4th, 1984. That means Άκης Πετρετζίκης's birth sign is the Pisces, according to the zodiac. Άκης Πετρετζίκης's date of birth was between 02-20 and 03-20, placing them among the dates for Pisces on the zodiac calendar.

What's Άκης Πετρετζίκης's net worth.


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