الدب ALDOB is one of the most-viewed creators on YouTube, boasting 679 thousand subscribers. The YouTube channel الدب ALDOB was founded in 2007 and is located in Saudi Arabia.
One common question we hear is: What is الدب ALDOB's net worth or how much does الدب ALDOB earn? Only الدب ALDOB actually knows, but we can make some really good predictions with YouTube data.
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While الدب ALDOB's actual net worth is still being verified, Net Worth Spot references YouTube viewership data to make a prediction of $2.68 million.
Our estimate only uses one advertising source however. الدب ALDOB's net worth may possibly be higher than $2.68 million. Considering these additional revenue sources, الدب ALDOB may be worth closer to $3.76 million.
You may be wondering: How much does الدب ALDOB earn?
Each month, الدب ALDOB' YouTube channel attracts more than 11.18 million views a month and about 372.79 thousand views each day.
YouTube channels that are monetized earn revenue by serving. YouTubers can earn an average of between $3 to $7 per thousand video views. Using these estimates, we can estimate that الدب ALDOB earns $44.73 thousand a month, reaching $671.02 thousand a year.
Net Worth Spot may be using under-reporting الدب ALDOB's revenue though. If الدب ALDOB earns on the higher end, advertising revenue could generate close to $1.21 million a year.
الدب ALDOB likely has additional revenue sources. Influencers could advertiser their own products, get sponsorships, or earn money through affiliate commissions.
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