People & Blogs

اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات is a well-known YouTube channel covering People & Blogs and has attracted 209 thousand subscribers on the platform. The channel launched in 2015 and is based in Egypt.

There’s one question everybody wants answered: How does اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات earn money? We can never be certain of the real amount, but here’s an prediction.

Table of Contents

  1. اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات net worth
  2. اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات earnings

What is اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات's net worth?

اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات has an estimated net worth of about $100 thousand.

اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات's actual net worth is unverified, but Net Worth Spot estimates it to be near $100 thousand.

That estimate only uses one advertising source though. اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات's net worth may truly be higher than $100 thousand. In fact, when including additional sources of income for a YouTuber, some sources place اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات's net worth closer to $250 thousand.

How much does اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات earn?

اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات earns an estimated $8.1 thousand a year.

You may be questioning: How much does اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات earn?

Each month, اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات' YouTube channel gets more than 134.9 thousand views a month and around 4.5 thousand views each day.

Monetized channels generate revenue by serving video ads for every one thousand video views. YouTube channels may earn anywhere between $3 to $7 per one thousand video views. With this data, we predict the اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات YouTube channel generates $539 in ad revenue a month and $8.1 thousand a year.

Net Worth Spot may be using under-reporting اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات's revenue though. On the higher end, اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات could possibly earn up to $14.6 thousand a year.

However, it's uncommon for influencers to rely on a single source of revenue. Additional revenue sources like sponsorships, affiliate commissions, product sales and speaking gigs may generate much more revenue than ads.

What could اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات buy with $100 thousand?What could اروع القصص واجمل الحكايات buy with $100 thousand?


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