
How old is Erika Costell?

Erika Costell Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Erika Costell is a prominent YouTube influencer known for uploading Entertainment posts. Erika Costell resides in the United States and was born in the year 1993, making her 32 years old as of this post.

So, let's answer at what you could be thinking. How old is Erika Costell? Erika Costell is located in the United States and was born in the year 1993, making her 32 years old as of this post.

When is Erika Costell's birthday?

Erika Costell's actual birthday is November 12th, 1993. That means Erika Costell is 32 years as of today.

What is Erika Costell's astrological sign?

Erika Costell's birthday is on November 12th, 1993. take a look at Erika Costell's birthday to the zodiac calendar, that makes Erika Costell a Scorpio. That's because Erika Costell's date of birth happened within the dates of Scorpio on the zodiac, from 10-23 until 11-21.

How much is Erika Costell worth?


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