
How old is Lilly Singh?

Lilly Singh Net Worth & Earnings (2025)

Lilly Singh is a popular influencer known for posting Comedy content. Lilly Singh was born in the year 1988, making her 37 years old as of today.

You could be wondering: how old is Lilly Singh? Born in the year 1988, Lilly Singh is 37 years old as of this post.

When is Lilly Singh's birthday?

Lilly Singh's date of birth is September 26th, 1988. That means Lilly Singh is 37 years today.

What is Lilly Singh's astrological sign?

Lilly Singh's date of birth falls on September 26th, 1988.According to the zodiac calendar, Lilly Singh would be a Libra. That's because Lilly Singh's birthday happened within the dates of Libra on the astrology calendar, between 09-23 and 10-22.

Lilly Singh's net worth


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