Onliner is a popular Nonprofits & Activism channel on YouTube. It has attracted 1.83 million subscribers. The channel launched in 2012.
So, you may be wondering: What is Onliner's net worth? Or you could be asking: how much does Onliner earn? We can never be certain of the exact amount, but here's our estimate.
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Although Onliner's finalized net worth is unverified, NetWorthSpot uses online video data to make an estimate of $539.72 thousand.
However, some people have estimated that Onliner's net worth might really be higher than that. Considering these additional income sources, Onliner could be worth closer to $755.61 thousand.
There’s one question that every Onliner fan out there just can’t seem to get their head around: How much does Onliner earn?
The YouTube channel Onliner gets more than 2.25 million views each month.
YouTube channels that are monetized earn revenue by serving. On average, YouTube channels earn between $3 to $7 for every one thousand video views. If Onliner is within this range, Net Worth Spot estimates that Onliner earns $9 thousand a month, totalling $134.93 thousand a year.
Our estimate may be low though. If Onliner makes on the top end, ads could bring in as much as $242.87 thousand a year.
However, it's rare for influencers to rely on a single source of revenue. Additional revenue sources like sponsorships, affiliate commissions, product sales and speaking gigs may generate much more revenue than ads.
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