
Pedrin Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Pedrin Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Pedrin is a popular YouTube channel, boasting 4 million subscribers. The channel launched in 2017 and is based in Brazil.

So, you may be wondering: What is Pedrin's net worth? Or you could be asking: how much does Pedrin earn? We can never know the real amount, but here’s an estimate.

Table of Contents

  1. Pedrin net worth
  2. Pedrin earnings

What is Pedrin's net worth?

Pedrin has an estimated net worth of about $1.5 million.

Pedrin's real net worth is not publicly known, but our site Net Worth Spot places it to be around $1.5 million.

Our estimate only uses one source of revenue however. Pedrin's net worth may truly be higher than $1.5 million. When we consider many revenue sources, Pedrin's net worth could be as high as $2.1 million.

How much does Pedrin earn?

Pedrin earns an estimated $368.8 thousand a year.

You may be questioning: How much does Pedrin earn?

The YouTube channel Pedrin gets more than 6.1 million views each month.

YouTube channels that are monetized earn revenue by playing ads. Monetized YouTube channels may earn $3 to $7 per every one thousand video views. If Pedrin is within this range, Net Worth Spot estimates that Pedrin earns $24.6 thousand a month, totalling $368.8 thousand a year.

Some YouTube channels earn even more than $7 per thousand video views. If Pedrin earns on the top end, ad revenue could bring in as high as $663.8 thousand a year.

YouTubers rarely have one source of income too. Influencers could promote their own products, accept sponsorships, or earn money with affiliate commissions.

What could Pedrin buy with $1.5 million?What could Pedrin buy with $1.5 million?


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