
How old is Philip DeFranco?

Philip DeFranco Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Philip DeFranco is one of the most popular Entertainment social media creators on YouTube. Philip DeFranco is based in the United States and was born in 1985, which makes him 39 years old today.

Followers often ask: how old is Philip DeFranco? Born in 1985 and residing in the United States, Philip DeFranco is 39 years old as of today.

When is Philip DeFranco's birthday?

Philip DeFranco's actual birthday is December 1st, 1985. That date makes Philip DeFranco 39 years old as of today.

What is Philip DeFranco's astrological sign?

Philip DeFranco was born on December 1st, 1985. That means Philip DeFranco would be a Sagittarius, according to the astrology calendar. Philip DeFranco's birthday happened between 11-22 and 12-21, making them the dates for Sagittarius on the zodiac.

How much does Philip DeFranco earn?


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