With over 3 million subscribers, PressTube is one of the most-viewed creators on YouTube. It started in 2016 and is based in Belgium.
There’s one question everybody wants answered: How does PressTube earn money? Few people have a proper idea of PressTube's total earnings, but a few have made some estimations.
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While PressTube's real net worth is publicly available, our website sources YouTube data to make an estimate of $372.3 thousand.
Net Spot Worth's estimate only uses one source of revenue however. PressTube's net worth may possibly be higher than $372.3 thousand. When we consider many sources of income, PressTube's net worth could be as high as $521.2 thousand.
You may be questioning: How much does PressTube earn?
Each month, PressTube' YouTube channel receives around 1.6 million views a month and more than 51.7 thousand views each day.
Monetized channels generate money by displaying video ads for every thousand video views. YouTube channels may earn anywhere between $3 to $7 per one thousand video views. Using these estimates, we can estimate that PressTube earns $6.2 thousand a month, reaching $93.1 thousand a year.
Some YouTube channels earn even more than $7 per thousand video views. On the higher end, PressTube could earn as much as $167.5 thousand a year.
PressTube likely has additional revenue sources. Influencers may promote their own products, secure sponsorships, or earn money through affiliate commissions.
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