
How old is Jonti Picking?

Jonti Picking Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Jonti Picking is a famous influencer widely known for creating Comedy videos. Born in the year 1975 and residing in United Kingdom, Jonti Picking is 49 years old today.

Let's talk a look at what you're thinking. How old is Jonti Picking? Born in 1975 and based in United Kingdom, Jonti Picking is 49 years old today.

When is Jonti Picking's birthday?

Jonti Picking's birthday is May 17th, 1975. That makes Jonti Picking 49 years old as of this post.

What is Jonti Picking's astrological sign?

Jonti Picking's date of birth falls on May 17th, 1975. That means Jonti Picking is a Taurus, following the astrology calendar. That's because Jonti Picking's birthday happened within the dates of Taurus on the zodiac, between 04-21 through 05-20.

What is Jonti Picking's net worth?


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