Howto & Style

How old is Gigi Lazzarato?

Gigi Lazzarato Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Gigi Lazzarato is one of the most well known Howto & Style influencers on YouTube. Gigi Lazzarato was born in 1992, which makes her 33 years old today.

So, let's answer at the question you're wondering. How old is Gigi Lazzarato? Born in the year 1992, Gigi Lazzarato is 33 years old as of today.

When is Gigi Lazzarato's birthday?

Gigi Lazzarato's actual birthday is April 20th, 1992. That means Gigi Lazzarato is 33 years as of this post.

What is Gigi Lazzarato's astrological sign?

Gigi Lazzarato's birthday is on April 20th, 1992. That means Gigi Lazzarato is a Aries, following the astrology calendar. That's because Gigi Lazzarato's date of birth happened between the dates of Aries on the astrology calendar, between 03-21 through 04-20.

How much is Gigi Lazzarato worth?


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