Howto & Style

How old is NishaMadhulika?

NishaMadhulika Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

NishaMadhulika is a leading YouTube creator recognized for making Howto & Style videos. NishaMadhulika is based in India and was born in 1959, which makes her 65 years old today.

Subscribers typically think: how old is NishaMadhulika? Born in the year 1959 and located in India, NishaMadhulika is 65 years old today.

When is NishaMadhulika's birthday?

NishaMadhulika's date of birth is August 25th, 1959. That date makes NishaMadhulika 65 years old today.

What is NishaMadhulika's astrological sign?

NishaMadhulika was born on August 25th, 1959. That shows that NishaMadhulika's birth sign is a Virgin, according to the astrology calendar. NishaMadhulika's date of birth fell between 08-24 and 09-22, placing them among the dates for Virgin on the zodiac.

How much does NishaMadhulika earn?


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