Autos & Vehicles

How old is Alex Hirschi?

Alex Hirschi Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Alex Hirschi is one of the best known Autos & Vehicles social media creators on YouTube. Alex Hirschi is located in United Arab Emirates and was born in 1985, making her 40 years old today.

Let's talk a look at the question you are asking. How old is Alex Hirschi? Born in the year 1985 and located in United Arab Emirates, Alex Hirschi is 40 years old today.

When is Alex Hirschi's birthday?

Alex Hirschi's birthday is September 21st, 1985. That means Alex Hirschi is 40 years today.

What is Alex Hirschi's astrological sign?

Alex Hirschi's date of birth is on September 21st, 1985. That means Alex Hirschi's birth sign is a Virgin, according to the astrology calendar. That's because Alex Hirschi's date of birth fell between the dates of Virgin on the zodiac, between 08-24 until 09-22.

Alex Hirschi's net worth


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